I just got back from a wild and wonderful weekend of reconnecting with old friends and family. Saturday, my best friend flew up from LA to help celebrate my favorite aunt's eightieth birthday. She just got back from a trip to Bolivia to give you an idea what the new eighty looks like. She has been to Nepal, Machu Pichu, China, Kenya, Costa Rica with her three of her grandsons and numerous trips to Europe. She's a bit of an Auntie Mame and we all adore her. This coming Suday I will be going sailing in San Francisco Bay with friends and sleeping on the boat. It's Fleet Week and the America's Cup returns. The Giants are in the Penant Race again and will hopefully be playing at home. We have been experiencing some amazing weather this week. Here on the coast it has been very pleasant, but elsewhere it has been very hot. Blogger informs me that I am fast approaching the one million hits mark. The counter on the blog was installed a while after I actually started blogging, so it doesn't reflect the actual number. It's more like 979,000 plus.