Hunting Season is a comedy series for today's smart-phone-absorbed youth, based on the blog of Alex, a single gay 20-something man living in Manhattan. He documents himself and his friends by anonymously writing about his social life. The cast includes Ben Baur (Alex), Marc Sinoway, Jake Manabat, Jack Ferver, Tyler French, and Walker Hare.
The story was inspired and largely based on the popular blog The Great Cock Hunt and the novel of the same name. The series is in serial short-format webisodes, each lasting between 8 and 12 minutes. It was first broadcast in September 2012 with three episodes. Two editions were made and the censored edition was broadcast on Logo TV free of charge. The uncensored edition was broadcast as a paid-for download. In 2013, a project was launched to fund the production of a
second season of Hunting Season.